Janeiro 2025

Aspiradores Automáticos De Piscina: MetaClassificação

Esta página sintetiza as classificações combinadas dos aspiradores automáticos de piscina, postados online por especialistas de renome até o mês de Janeiro de 2025.


Em 9 jan 2025, a equipe do ReviewFinder examinou o total de 64 avaliações de aspirador de piscina feitas por 10 influenciadores respeitáveis.

O total de 27 aspiradores de piscina foram analisados, mas somente 11 entraram na classificação deste mês. (O ReviewFinder requer o mínimo de 2 avaliações para que o produto seja incluído)

No dia 9 jan 2025, o Zodiac Baracuda G3 levou a coroa como o aspirador de piscina mais aclamado pela crítica, com 8 recomendações de especialistas. 2 especialistas de 8, o recomendou como o 'aspirador de piscina #1' deste mês.

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Detalhamento de preço
Como pode ser visto no gráfico abaixo, o menor valor dos aspiradores automáticos de piscina é de $82.39 (XtremepowerUS Premium), chegando a $1199.99 (Polaris 9650IQ). O valor médio dos aspirador de piscina é de $349 (Zodiac MX6).

Num Relance - Classificação de Janeiro

Deslize para o lado e explore a tabela de classificação.
Pool Cleaner
Salt Water Pool and Spa
House Grail
Pool Cleaner Lab
Cleanup Expert
Bob Vila
Pool Care Guy
Swim University
Better Homes and Gardens
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Zodiac Baracuda G3
The Zodiac Baracuda G3 is a highly recommended suction-side automatic pool cleaner for in-ground pools, praised for its compatibility, effectiveness, ease of use, durability, and energy efficiency.
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Pentair Kreepy Krauly
The Pentair Kreepy Krauly pool cleaner is a highly compatible and versatile option that offers excellent cleaning performance, ease of use, and energy efficiency for pool owners.
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Zodiac MX6
The Zodiac MX6 Pool Cleaner is a versatile and efficient option for inground pools, suitable for various pool sizes and shapes, with a high-suction power and energy-efficient design, although it may have some issues with build quality and hose durability.
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Hayward The PoolCleaner 2X
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Zodiac MX8
The Zodiac MX8 pool cleaner is a highly recommended option for small to medium-sized pools, offering efficient cleaning performance, ease of use, durability, and energy efficiency.
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Hayward Navigator Pro
The Hayward Navigator Pro is a highly regarded, durable, and energy-efficient pool cleaner specifically designed for in-ground gunite pools, offering effective debris removal capabilities and easy maintenance.
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Hayward AquaNaut 400
The Hayward AquaNaut 400 is a versatile and efficient pool cleaner that is compatible with various pool types, easy to set up and operate, and provides exceptional cleaning performance and energy efficiency.
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XtremepowerUS Premium
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Pentair Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac
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Hayward PoolVac XL
The Hayward PoolVac XL is a versatile and efficient pool cleaner that is compatible with all types of pools, praised for its cleaning performance, ease of use, durability, and energy efficiency.
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Baracuda Zodiac Ranger
The Baracuda Zodiac Ranger is a highly recommended pool cleaner for above-ground swimming pools with hard-sided construction, praised for its thorough cleaning, ease of use, and durability.

Aspirador De Piscina
#8 $82.39 XtremepowerUS Premium
#12 $196.99 Baracuda Zodiac Ranger
#9 $248.99 Pentair Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac
#1 $348.95 Zodiac Baracuda G3
#3 $349 Zodiac MX6
#2 $399 Pentair Kreepy Krauly
#6 $399 Hayward Navigator Pro
#4 $449 Hayward The PoolCleaner 2X
#7 $479 Hayward AquaNaut 400
#11 $599 Hayward PoolVac XL

Classificamos Zodiac Baracuda G3 como #1 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 8 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 2 especialistas classificaram Zodiac Baracuda G3 como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
Salt Water Pool and Spa

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House Grail

Best for the Money

Great value
Fins knock up debris for suction cleaning
Works at any suction power

Gets stuck
Not good for large leaves

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Pool Cleaner Lab

It is quiet while operating
Cleans in-ground pools up to 33 feet deep
Capable of sucking up tiny algae, dirt and debris from your pool
Includes a hose

Stops working after few months.

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Cleanup Expert

Most economical

Maybe you’ve had a pool cleaner or two in your life. If you have, you know that switching out malfunctioning parts for new ones can cost a pretty penny. If replacing expensive pool cleaner parts is something you’re sick of doing, you need the Barracuda in your life.
This unit doesn’t have 50 moving parts that constantly break down and cost a fortune to replace—it just has one.

Some people report that the Baracuda stops working after only a short time using it. However, this is usually because the inner sleeve that holds the diaphragm is too tight.
Other customers say that although the unit works quite well, they still must manually clean off their tanning ledge, steps, and deep-water seats.

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Bob Vila

Best Overall

Maintains excellent suction even when attached to a low-speed pump
Pump hose sections are easy to customize to the size of the pool
Disk shape allows the pool cleaner to fit into tight corners

Some customers report the cleaner struggles to suck up larger debris

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Pool Care Guy

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The best user friendly pool vacuum cleaner

Easy to maintain
Compact design

Made from plastic
Moves slowly
Gets stuck easily

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Better Homes and Gardens

Best for Large Pools

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Classificamos Pentair Kreepy Krauly como #2 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 8 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 1 especialista classificou Pentair Kreepy Krauly como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
Salt Water Pool and Spa

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House Grail

Can clean walls
Good suction

Gets stuck easily
Poor customer service

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Cleanup Expert

Best redesign

The Pentair 360042 boasts several innovative features that’ll make it easy to keep your pool clean. For example, an automatic valve regulates water flow to set the ideal travel speed for more thorough cleaning.
There’s an easy-to-adjust “dive float” directional system that intelligently guides the cleaner from the water line to the pool bottom, ensuring it hits every spot along the way.

While most customers rave about the redesign, a few don’t like it as much as the old one.
Some say the new model isn’t as durable as the original model. Others have problems with the float balls continually falling off.
Some users say the new model takes more time to clean the pool. This means you must run the pump longer, and your electricity bills will be higher.

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Bob Vila

Best For Inground

Roller straps allow it to work around ladders and stairs
Long 40-foot hose provides plenty of range for larger pools
Efficient wing design helps to channel debris into the head

Some customers report that it doesn’t hold up as long as other suction pool cleaners

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Pool Care Guy

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Automatic valve to control the water flow rate
Dive float directional system for perfect cleaning coverage
Special roller straps for cleaning around steps and ladders

Overall cleaning capacity is lesser than its competitors

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Swim University

The Best Suction Pool Cleaner for an Inground Pool

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Better Homes and Gardens

Best for Small Debris

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Metodologia: combinar opiniões de especialistas-chave

Identificando os Especialistas

Nós identificamos influenciadores e especialistas-chave que, consistentemente, avaliam e recomendam aspiradores automáticos de piscina.

Registrando as Classificações

Para cada influenciador, encontramos uma lista recente dos "top 10" aspiradores automáticos de piscina recomendados, essa deve ter sido atualizada nos últimos 9 meses.

Classificações Combinadas

Nós juntamos todas essas listas e as combinamos. Quanto mais frequente um produto é recomendado, mais alto estará em nossa classificação.

Especialistas escolhidos em Janeiro de 2025

Classificamos Zodiac MX6 como #3 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 6 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 2 especialistas classificaram Zodiac MX6 como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
Salt Water Pool and Spa

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Pool Cleaner Lab

Eliminated extra expenses of replacing and repairing parts since the diaphragm is the only moving part
Quiet and powerful

In rare cases, it may get stuck on top raises drains.

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Cleanup Expert

Most Compact

I really like that the MX6 has an enhanced flow regulator. This prevents the cleaner from moving too fast and damaging the gears. This innovative feature helps ensure your unit has a long and healthy life.
Another fantastic thing about the MX6 is that the parts have a modular design. This means that when a component fails, simply pop the old piece out with a screwdriver and put the new one in. Replacement only takes seconds!

The Achilles heel of this otherwise excellent cleaner is the hoses, which have an unfortunate tendency to rip at the connectors. This is too bad because the hoses are expensive to replace.
I think the designers need to go back to the drawing board to come up with hoses that are a little more durable. If they do, this cleaner will be near perfect.

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Bob Vila

Best Robot

Works with low water pressure, making it suitable for 2-speed and variable-speed pumps
Cyclonic suction system scrubs debris and allows robot to ascend walls
Quick-connect hoses make the MX6 easy to set up and take down

Some customers complain that the included hose isn’t long enough
Not for pools that are deeper than 6 feet

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Pool Care Guy

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Great option for inground pools
Works with variable-speed pumps
Features swiveling hoses for ease of connection

Expensive option for small-sized pools

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Classificamos Hayward The PoolCleaner 2X como #4 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 5 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 2 especialistas classificaram Hayward The PoolCleaner 2X como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
Salt Water Pool and Spa

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House Grail

The Runner-up

Good traction
Adjustable for multiple kinds of debris
Works at any suction power

Really pricey

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Pool Cleaner Lab

Connects to your pools suction port or skimmer
Cleans both shallow and deep end pools efficiently
Capable of maneuvering around obstacles
Cleans all types of pools surfaces

Not very efficient in wall climbing

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Pool Care Guy

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Better Homes and Gardens

Best Overall

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Classificamos Zodiac MX8 como #5 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 5 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 1 especialista classificou Zodiac MX8 como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
Salt Water Pool and Spa

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Pool Cleaner Lab

Most Popular

Extremely energy efficient
Cleans faster and better than its contenders
Employs a dual navigation technique for maximum pool coverage without any hang-ups.
The hose is twisted locking to ensure a secure attachment to the cleaner’s head

Gets stuck often.

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Cleanup Expert

Best suction pool cleaner

One of the best things about the MX8 is its excellent traction. This gives the unit exceptional maneuverability—even in tight corners and on vertical walls.
Every ten seconds, the MX8 does what I like to call the “rotation dance.” This tactic is highly effective for liberating units that have embarrassed themselves by getting stuck in a corner or hung up on a drain

One customer had the unfortunate experience of their unit getting stuck near the water surface and making a noisy sloshing sound. The commotion was so loud that it woke them up in the middle of the night because their bedroom happened to be close to the pool.
A few other customers also said this happened to them. The good news is that these units were defective and were quickly replaced by the manufacturer

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Bob Vila

Upgrade Pick

Design makes it capable of navigating tight angles and walls
Works with a variety of pool surfaces, including vinyl, tile, and fiberglass
Works with a low pump flow rate of just 1,200 GPH

Some customers complain that the MX8 misses spots, requiring follow-up cleaning

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Pool Care Guy

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Classificamos Hayward Navigator Pro como #6 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 4 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
Recomendações dos críticos:
Pool Cleaner Lab

Easy and fast installation
Smooth and silent operation
Boasts of 30+ years of reliability and performance
Effectively sucks pollen, leaves, sand, and twigs owing this to its advanced vacuum wings

Wall cleaning can sometimes be ineffective since the shape of the pool can be a limiting factor.

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Cleanup Expert

Most efficient

One of the biggest reasons to get a suction-side cleaner instead of a pressure-side one is you won’t need a booster pump. All you need to do is to connect the unit to your pool’s dedicated skimmer or suction port and it’s ready to clean every inch of your pool.
The Hayward Navigator Pro doesn’t make much noise, so you can run it without disturbing the peace and quietude of your neighborhood.

Sometimes, the Hayward Navigator Pro has a difficult time getting over drains. It has also been known to occasionally flip over for no apparent reason. When that happens, you’ll have to manually set it right again so it can complete its cleaning journey.
Occasionally, it doesn’t do well cleaning the waterline, so you might have to give it a gentle nudge yourself.

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Pool Care Guy

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Better Homes and Gardens

Easiest to Use

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Classificamos Hayward AquaNaut 400 como #7 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 3 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
  • Dentre esses, 1 especialista classificou Hayward AquaNaut 400 como o número 1.
Recomendações dos críticos:
House Grail

Best Overall

Good for large debris
Long connector hose
Versatile pool types


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Cleanup Expert

Best for Variable-Speed Pumps

Between the three different throats that come with every Aquanaut model and the V-flex technology, you can be assured of an outstanding cleaning job every single time.
Another groundbreaking feature that sets the Aquanaut heads and shoulders above many inferior models is the adjustable roller skirt that maintains consistent pressure over uneven surfaces.
This means you won’t lose any suction when your bot runs over an obstacle.

A few customers have reported that the Aquanaut flops over on its side and stay there like a stuck turtle. However, most customers say that this isn’t the case for them.
Its wall-climbing abilities are somewhat impaired unless you have powerful suction. Some customers complain that it gets stuck in the deep end of their pools.

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Bob Vila

Also Consider

4 wheels allow it to maneuver and climb walls more easily
Works with a variety of pool surfaces, including vinyl, fiberglass, and tile
Long 40-foot hose makes this cleaner compatible with large pools

Some customers report that it struggles to climb walls if not properly weighted

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Classificamos XtremepowerUS Premium como #8 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 3 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
Recomendações dos críticos:
House Grail

Really cheap

Minimum of 1 horsepower pump power
Requires a lot of attention

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Bob Vila

Best Bang for the Buck

Ten 3-foot hose sections make it easy to customize to various pool sizes
Works with a flow rate of just 1,600 GPH
Navigates around the pool floor and walls on its own
Seal clips for hose connections are included with kit

Some customers report that it struggles to suck up larger debris

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Pool Care Guy

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Classificamos Pentair Kreepy Krauly E-Z Vac como #9 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 2 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
Recomendações dos críticos:
Pool Cleaner Lab

Most Affordable

Cleans any pools surface
It will scrub your pools wall, floor and even clean all the way up to the waterline
Uses a random cleaning pattern to clean those places that a standard cleaner can’t reach.


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Swim University

The Best Suction Pool Cleaner for an Above Ground Pool

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Classificamos Hayward PoolVac XL como #10 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 2 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
Recomendações dos críticos:
Pool Care Guy

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Automatic pool cleaning is possible
Easy to clean and maintain
Suitable for up to 600 sq. ft. water bodies

A bit on the expensive side

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Classificamos Baracuda Zodiac Ranger como #11 em Janeiro de 2025 porque:

  • 2 especialistas independentes o mencionaram em suas classificações de "melhores aspiradores automáticos de piscina".
Recomendações dos críticos:
Pool Cleaner Lab

Has one single moving part
Comes pre-assembled
Doesn’t get stuck on steps and corners
Ideal for above-ground pools

Misses some spots on your pool.

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Bob Vila

Best For Above Ground

Design prevents it from getting stuck on ladders and steps
Fewer moving parts helps make it more durable than others and easy to maintain
Disk shape makes it capable of navigating both floors and walls

Customers report that cleaner can get clogged by larger debris

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